Mukisa Imran is a Ugandan rapper better known by his name SUIZE TYGANDRICK AKA ULI BOWY. Born in 12/01/2000 in jinja district village buwenge sub county went to iganga progressive s.s for UCE Uganda certificate of education in 2016/2019 and he joined music in 2020 after he realized his talent he was born by a lady called Nabriye Mega and his dad called Muweereza Steven
SUIZE TYGANDRICK aka uli bowy had a passion of music and promoting since he was young . But then he started doing real music in January / 25/2020 and he was one the best in his village as hip hop best rapper. Beside music SUIZE TYGANDRICK AKA ULI BOWY is good photographer. He was in iganga since 2010 during school
His hobbies are composing music, chatting with friends on Facebook, watching videos on YouTube, playing football and taking care of her girlfriend Mutesi zubedah aka otanna scquen