Biz Drimo (Real names Ojok Akany Daniel) is a Ugandan rapper, song writer, entrepreneur, business Mogul and a record Producer.Since his debut into the mainstream with songs like Tonight, Burning up, Fire, Like you never, Amari, Ssente, Used to etc. Biz has been regarded as one of the best and most influential artists of his generation and one of the greatest dynamic and versatile Rapper of all time in Uganda and across boarders as he’s multi- linguistic.Aside from his solo career,...
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function getArtistNews() in /home/ugziki/domains/
Stack trace:
#0 /home/ugziki/domains/ include_once()
#1 /home/ugziki/domains/ route()
#2 /home/ugziki/domains/ get()
#3 {main}
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