Jano Seso99% is Ugandan Stage Performing Artist ,His birthday Name is Musobya_Muzamiru and his Stage Name is Jano seso99%. Jano Seso99% Was Born on 27,12,1994,Born in Jinja District.He Did primary at Butiki Primary School and his high school@Mpumudde high.Jano Sese99%'s Parents who took care of him are called Nagayi_Falida and Musobya Husen they stay in the Village_Wabulenga B .Coz of his music carrier he swifted to Kampala City ,For work and Pushing his music carrier to the top,Jano Seso...
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function getArtistNews() in /home/ugziki/domains/ugziki.co.ug/public_html/artist.php:165
Stack trace:
#0 /home/ugziki/domains/ugziki.co.ug/public_html/router.php(56): include_once()
#1 /home/ugziki/domains/ugziki.co.ug/public_html/router.php(11): route()
#2 /home/ugziki/domains/ugziki.co.ug/public_html/routes.php(62): get()
#3 {main}
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