Singer Levson Kays is a passionate and sensational singer from Matugga, performing different genres like R&B, Zouk, Dance, Pop & Gospel. He is passionately committed to making anything useful.When he is not exercising his different skills to people that need, he is composing music, singing with The Remnants Band, helping someone with vocal training or singing to the beats of a lovely song. He is entirely too enthusiastic about engaging and supporting the youths to reach their full pot...
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function getArtistNews() in /home/ugziki/domains/
Stack trace:
#0 /home/ugziki/domains/ include_once()
#1 /home/ugziki/domains/ route()
#2 /home/ugziki/domains/ get()
#3 {main}
thrown in /home/ugziki/domains/ on line 165