His real name is Lucky Brian Wamboka, a song writer, singer and trainer in music. His other stage name is Lucky O'brien. Lucky, with an eastern background grew up from western Uganda where he started his career in primary six at Bishop Stuart Demo in Mbarara district. He has written inspiring songs for the Mbarara Pentecostal church and the school choir since 2010. He has written songs for various artists around the country and the songs are mostly melodic songs in nature done ...
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function getArtistNews() in /home/ugziki/domains/ugziki.co.ug/public_html/artist.php:165
Stack trace:
#0 /home/ugziki/domains/ugziki.co.ug/public_html/router.php(56): include_once()
#1 /home/ugziki/domains/ugziki.co.ug/public_html/router.php(11): route()
#2 /home/ugziki/domains/ugziki.co.ug/public_html/routes.php(62): get()
#3 {main}
thrown in /home/ugziki/domains/ugziki.co.ug/public_html/artist.php on line 165