Nande boys is a group of talented artists that comprises of four .They do mostly afro pop and abit o lingala ,namely LBK Mutetezi,Pakista ,zizah Black and jonna.They start music way back in 2016 as a group an made various songs.There original is from Congo but grew up from Uganda were they have living up-to-date.They do music for career ,Music production , designer Boutique and song writing for willing Artist.Great achievement has been there were since they music is a success to them,
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function getArtistNews() in /home/ugziki/domains/
Stack trace:
#0 /home/ugziki/domains/ include_once()
#1 /home/ugziki/domains/ route()
#2 /home/ugziki/domains/ get()
#3 {main}
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